Welcome to AI Driven Supply Chain Newsletter

Welcome to my newsletter!

This is the first newsletter I'm sending, so for all of you that registered so far, welcome! The goal of the newsletter is to cover how data&ML&AI can be used to improve what I feel is a little bit of a neglected area of an enterprise - supply chain management. The target audience is technical resources as well as practitioners across SCM.

What is SCM

The first question to have is then what is supply chain management. I consider supply chain to be everything from product ideation, to actually producing the product, plan for it and then getting the product out to the market. From an traditional enteprise applications point of view:

  • Product ideation is essentially what we could consider as a product lifecycle management suite.
  • Making the actual product so manufacturing.
  • Planning - demand management, supply chain planning to S&OP.
  • Getting the product out so everything in logistics - WMS and TMS kind of solutions.

These areas are crucial for any retail/manufacturing/utilities companies and in some areas not all areas are required but you would be surprised how many companies use at least one of the areas above. For retail, manufacturing might not be needed, while for a manufacturing company, it is their core business.

Disclaimer from my side, I'm interested in all this but there are many more qualified that I have worked with that are experts. I've spent my 10,000 hours working with supply chain management and share what I've learned and maybe this will also help me learn more.

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AI-Driven Supply Chain

I’m exploring how data and AI can make a real difference in supply chain management for industries like manufacturing, retail, utilities, oil & gas, and more. If you’re interested in practical ways to improve product-focused businesses using data and AI, this newsletter is for you. I’m Emir Musabasic, and I live at the intersection of how data&ai and think way too much about how to use above to enhance old fashioned SCM processes. Tired of boring analytics stuff that doesn’t really help? Subscribe to my newsletter for articles on how Data + AI help companies improve their supply chains.

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